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Blacksmith| Derak the Starlit Smith

Derak Jenvar, an elven blacksmith that works silently through the night working on repairs and commissions for travelers thanks to some Silence runes inscribed on his anvil and tools. 

Derak likes to work at night because he believes that the gods watch over his work and he is more in tune with them in his craft when the stars and moon give him light. This is entirely superstition and his susceptibility to conspiracies does not end there.

Musician: Djeordan Kavarnen

This bard is a one man band. He just could never communicate exactly how a song was playing in his head, so he built contraptions to help him do it all at once. It started with just a lute in his hands and some bells on his feet but then he needed a horn. So he strapped one over his shoulder…

Ally: Vin’dan Thresher

Growing up in the city was a tough setting for Vin’dan. He was brought here against his will, if you can have a will in infancy, when his family’s clan was dispersed by Dwarvish invaders. Now, he wears long hats to cover his ears, attempts a shoddy beard to round out his chin, and has been tempted even to put tufts of cotton in his clothes to puff out his ropey frame.

Mercenary: Delta

direction the world has pushed her. She is a free spirit from the way she lets her sandy blonde hair push out to its furthest potential, to her insistence that she not stay in one town too long, being a nomad is her bedrock.

Designing your Character

When creating your character, it is helpful to know where to start. Think about what you enjoy most about playing or what you think would be a good role to try out…